We asked for other peoples opinions on what makes a horror film scary, via twitter and facebook, below are some of the responses we received. They will be useful later on when we are researching and considering our target audience. It will also help when considering the expectations created by a horror film.
Tony Forster
suspence, fright factor, the reality that whats hapenin cud actualy hapen to you, that works and most important a good horror character! wel thats what ide say anyway x
Reply by pollyo 18 minutes ago
If you mean horror movies, then 90% of the time its the music that makes them so scary.
darconuk @princessjade18 mmmm generic or specific. Usually fear of some form of invasion - spatial or bodily
15 minutes ago from Twittelator in reply to princessjade18
RHYSAHUGHES @princessjade18 blood and tha'.
12 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to princessjade18
Joshua Meek
Predictable and probable story lines with the inevatable death of someone or something.
darrenhorne @princessjade18 Fear of the unkown, xenophobia, fear of being out of control.
xrobsessedx @princessjade18 Dark lighting, everyday situations/locations that make the story seem more believable.
AdamTyson @princessjade18 Monsters. And that even though your running, you will be caught and killed by the slowest moving thing ever.
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